About TEDx CivilLines Womens

What's TEDxCivilLinesWomen?

Despite the gradual recognition of strategic issues related to the integration of women in all area of Society Still, many things there which include entrepreneurship, Equality, and jobs in various sectors continue to receive little attention. Still, many pieces of research are there which attribute this situation to a lack of recognition given to the (decisive) role of women in different set organizations (Home, business, Office, Profession etc). However, with this small initiative under the agies of global platform, I wish to highlight the role of women in society at large. Moreover, this initiative will help to increase satisfaction and a feeling of equality among women at large in society.

TEDxCivilLinesWomen is all about sharing the idea about changing the perspective of society where People make snap judgments about you and it strongly influences their perception of your personality, values, financial success, authority, trustworthiness, intelligence, and candidature for a job or promotion. The relationship between Image and the first impression is that of cause and effect. Usually, women in society project an Image based on which people form a first impression about them. We as women are still unaware that Managing your Image helps you create powerful and positive first and everlasting impressions thereby creating more opportunities for you in your personal, professional, and social lives.

TedxCivilLines Womens
“You may be the first, but make sure you aren’t the last.”

Unfortunately, even with adequate education, women here in Society here as well as women across much of the world still lack equal access to opportunity. Regardless of a woman’s experience, education, or abilities, the patriarchal nature of our society fosters the perception that women are less qualified and less competent than men.

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